About Dr. Bree
Dr. Bree Keyton began her professional career as a warm-up act for rock stars and had her own nightclub act. One night, while the band was playing, she was shot in the head. Through the miraculous intervention of the living God, she survived and now shares the LORD’s great healing power with others.
Bree ministers in power evangelism, with an apostolic/prophetic call, brandishing a sword of steel while exercising the sword of the Spirit. More than a million have been saved, delivered and received physical and emotional healing by the awesome power of God through her ministry. She leads dynamic prayer walk teams, and has a special call to break strongholds over cities, and nations. She leads rescue missions in jungles, travels the world teaching her college courses, and holding conferences and crusades.
Bree is the author of several books, a psalmist, and a recording artist. Her books are in the eighth printing and being translated into languages throughout the world. Her musical CD received nationwide airplay for three years, and she travels the world preaching the gospel. She has been in forty countries and five continents. Bree has a zeal for soul winning, healing the sick and setting the captives free. She has hosted a national TV talk show and served as a worship leader.
Currently, Bree’s primary focus is on the desperately urgent rescue missions she is leading, for Pygmies in the Democratic Republic of Congo. She has risked her life repeatedly to keep them from being eaten by rebel soldiers, as the war rages all around them. Bree has rescued 80,000 Pygmies so far, as the genocide continues against the Pygmies.
Bree has appeared on “The 700 Club,” TBN, ABC, NBC, CBS, National Right to Life Convention, International Counter-Cult Conference, National Full Gospel Business Men’s Convention, International Prophecy Conference in Tampa, Atlanta Prophecy Conference, the international TV program “It’s Supernatural” with Sid Roth.
Bree has ministered in arenas, churches, music halls, prisons, malls, parks, high schools, colleges, retreats, crusades, seminars, conferences, conventions, coffee houses, and outdoor festivals.
Bree invites you to share in her vision to win millions of souls for our Savior. Her mandates are: Preaching the Gospel; Setting Captives Free; Taking Back the Land; Leading Warfare Walk Teams; Reaching the World through TV, Radio, Books, Outreaches & Conferences; Youth Explosions; Staking & Praying for the Nations; Prophecy to the Nations; Extreme Spiritual Warfare; Pulling Down Spiritual Strongholds. Bree moves in an apostolic-prophetic anointing as she leads missionary outreaches and warfare walk teams throughout the USA and around the world.
Bree earned doctorates in both Theology, and in Administration and Education, and is a professor at Faith Bible College where she designs curriculum, and serves on the board as Director of Research. She teaches her college courses throughout the world for college credit. Currently, she is planting churches and Bible colleges in Africa and South America.

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